It's that time again...What time you ask? Monday Minute time....
As I told you I've been sort of a slug as of late with posting, but real life is almost back in order and then blogging will be as well :)
For now here is the Monday Minute as it's offered up by none other than Ian over at Daily Dose...
1 - How much would you have to be paid to eat a human cadaver's finger?
Not a dime if I was stuck in the mountains like those poor bastards in that plane crash...I'd dine like it was a 5 star restaurant.. :)
2 - Describe the worst physical fight you've ever been in.
Well I don't like to think about it much because I was a bit wild in my younger days...I was once slammed into a car door and knocked pretty much out of my senses...I'll post that experience some other time, but I promise that didn't end the fight ...
3 - Name one song that if you never heard it ever again, you'd be thrilled.
Kung fu Fighting
4 - Describe the "drunkest" situation you've ever been.
There are too many to list... BUT one pretty drunk situation I remember (there are few that I totally remember) involved me awaking in a grape vineyard. I evidently passed out on the way home from a party and ended up in between two rows of grapes. I drove out of there and got home. I'm lucky I'm alive judging by some of my poor choices as a young adult.
5 - What's your biggest regret?
I have a few that are close ties. I think my biggest regret is that I got divorced and even though it ended up better for me. I always wonder how much of a negative impact it had on my son. I wasn't there to defend him like I should have been.
So now you have my lame-o answers, but you need to get over to Ian and check his out...