So Long Sadie
I have made a few posts regarding pets. I'm definitely an animal lover, but I surely do hate when they get to their later years and become deathly ill, or have to be put down. This is the case with my parents dog Sadie.
My mom rescued Sadie when she was a pup running wild in a field. My mom worked across the street from the field and would bring food over there every day for the 3 little pups that were running around. Finally after many nights of feeding and building shelters for them, they caught all three. My mom was able to give away two of them, but the third one was left out. She was just too darned big and nobody wanted this huge pup. Sadie became a member of my moms family.
She wouldn't come anywhere near the door of the house. She stayed in the backyard and a huge doghouse was built for her. Sadie weighed in at around 140 lbs. and there was no fat on this huge girl. She was friendly but ever alert for some trouble. She was a wild pup learning to be in the presence of not so wild surroundings. It was three years before she would even stand at the french doors leading into mom's house. Finally she popped her head in one day. She then started hanging around my dad's feet at the kitchen table while he read the paper. Before long she was sleeping in the hallway and eventually she slept at the foot of mom and dad's bed. Sadie had finally adopted the family who adopted her.
She was very fortunate for most of her life as far as illness went. She wasn't often sick and just had some problems with her teeth. She is about 14 (maybe 15 we aren't exactly sure). The doctor told us that she was in twilight years for a dog of her size. She never showed any signs of slowing down except that her legs are now stiff when she gets up and she lumbers instead of having that spring to her step. We just accepted that as part of growing older and she did too.
Over the past year Sadie has had many bouts with her gums and nose. She has bled on and off from her nose and mouth for the past year and they didn't really know why. They gave her medicine to help heal any infections, and she was even on steroids for some time. Yesterday the bleeding became regular and not just slight. She is having trouble breathing and has blood in her stomach. The big girl is suffering and we can't stand to see this happen to such a sweet dog.
I'm going back over to mom and dad's in a little bit and we are going to put her in the truck for her last ride. She will be in no pain or discomfort very soon. My mom is beside herself with grief over this tough decision and my dad, while not showing it as much is devastated. I have seen them go through this many times, as they have had animals all my childhood. It doesn't get easier and they go in knowing this is the likely result. I am going to try and talk my dad into letting me take the big girl down on her final ride and I hope he will see it's the best way.
Sadie....We are gonna miss you big girl. We love you, and only want you to be free of pain and suffering. You are going to get to run after the birds in the backyard real soon and you will get to see Hector and Bridgette as well... God Speed you were always a good girl .......