
Mommy, Mother, Mom  

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A great many of my posts have dealt with my father. I was fortunate enough to have a dad who was dedicated to my growing up. I have made mention of Mom, but not in any detail. I figured that Mother's Day is a fitting time to say thank you to a truly great woman.

My mom is an only child. She was raised in a VERY Italian culture. She didn't even speak English until she was ready to enter Kindergarten. My grandparents decided that this was the country they would live in, and this would be the language they should speak. Mom learned English at the age of 5 and in time to go to school.

She grew up unlike many only children. She was not especially spoiled, and her parents didn't have a lot of time for her. My grandparents both worked (not real common back in the day). My grandmother worked at an Olive factory and my grandfather was a baker. So mom spent a good deal of time with Aunts and Uncles.

I have heard all the tales of her growing up so many times that they come to my mind without hesitation. I can see the family outings in the mountains that she spoke of so often, in my mind as clearly as if I was there. I was fortunate enough to get to enjoy many of those same things with Mom and Dad as we grew up.

Mom worked as a teacher's aide for an elementary school. The kids were drawn to her, because she has a ready smile for everybody. She would patiently guide them through the school work and I later met many kids from her classes that told me often that she was far better than their teacher. My mom is somebody who wants to help everybody. She was an aide for a number of years before she moved up to the Administrative offices. She became an assistant to the Superintendent of Schools. My mom was so proud of her accomplishment. She never had a college education, but she managed to handle the job as if she was born to it.

Now along with working at the school, mom also took other jobs to make ends meet. She worked on the assembly line of a chip factory at night for a while as well. I can still remember her coming home with the scent of tortilla chips on her clothes. She loved that job even though it was just working a line. She told me often that it reminded her that she can always find something to feed her family if she has to. Mom was never too proud to do what needed to be done. I learned that lesson, just not as quickly as she did.

I can say that throughout my entire childhood I can't remember a time we didn't have dinner as a family. If mom wasn't there the dinner was already made and my dad would heat it up. We would eat as a family of 5 or a family of 4, but we would eat as a family. That was because Mom INSISTED that we sit together and talk about our day. We would get the chance to tell our parents how school was going, and what we did well or not so well that day. Dinner was a great time in my house as a kid.

Mom has seen me through illness, happiness, injury, marriage, divorce, children, financial ruin, personal ruin, and personal triumph. The most important thing Mom has done is see me through life. She has always been there, usually quietly in the background offering support or advice. Never forcing her opinion on me, but always ready to offer it if I asked (sometimes when I didn't). She has loved me unconditionally, defended me faithfully, and I could not ask for a better Grandmother for my children.

So this is just a small way for me to say...Mom I Love you...Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for this not so perfect son of yours.

Happy Mother's Day.....

This entry was posted at Sunday, May 09, 2010 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Very cool! Love your thoughts on your mom. Happy Mother's Day to your mom and wifey! And you! Mr. Mom. Hey..I wonder how many men forget themselves on this day. LOL

May 9, 2010 at 12:57 PM

I hope your Mom is doing real well today, it sounds like she earned a lot of respect.
Happy Mother's day to her and to your own bride.

May 9, 2010 at 1:58 PM

Beautiful. Hope she was able to have a Happy Mother's day. How is she doing, after Sadie? Good thoughts to you all.

May 9, 2010 at 9:50 PM

Thanks guys mom is doing ok, but she is a bit quiet today..It was wearing on her I could tell..She got a "surprise mom day card and present from sadie and other lost pets over the years...My cousin sent her a card from her beloved animals thanking her..She cried a little, but it surely did brighten her day..

May 9, 2010 at 11:20 PM

A moving, loving tribute to your mother! She sounds like a remarkable woman, just the kind that Mothers Day was established to honor.

May 10, 2010 at 7:01 AM

Russ...Thank you, she is that indeed...Quietly doing all that needed to be done...(ok not always quietly)...

May 10, 2010 at 8:27 AM

A beautiful, beautiful tribute to what seems like a really beautiful person! :)
wish her a happy mother's day from me and all of us!

May 10, 2010 at 3:11 PM

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