
10 Honest Truths  

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I like to jump around and look at a lot of blogs. I read a mess of them in any given day. It's much more entertaining and enlightening than the news in my opinion. Of course I have my regulars that I never miss, and one of these is Sharon Mcpherson's bookish blonde. http://bookishblonde.blogspot.com/ I have been tagged to share with you 10 honest truths.

In all honesty (no pun intended), this is not something I do often enough. I am absolutely an extrovert, but I tend to be a bit closed about the real me (in real life). BUT...This is the internet right? No inhibitions or something like that.

So let's give this a try...

1. I enjoy many "chick" flicks like Ever After.
2. I am a pyromaniac (a controlled one of course)
3. I love country music but in school I was into rap...(cracker rapper..ha ha)
4. I used to play online video games(Guild Wars)about 10 hours a day (and night :P )
5. I'm allergic to onions.
6. I was a jock in school, but also played in the drum and bugle corps.
7. I love cartoons.
8. I read at least 5 books a week.
9. I sleep with my socks on.
10. I never sleep more than 5 hours a night.

I will definitely be passing this to some people later on. :)

1/ Accept award and post on blog together with the name of the blogger giving it
2/ Pass the award on (or not if your prefer).
3/ Links to your nominees in your post, and let them know by leaving a message in their comments box.

This entry was posted at Tuesday, October 27, 2009 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Haha oh my god, I love the movie Ever after!! I hope you're not ashamed of that: it's a great film!

October 27, 2009 at 7:15 PM

lol...it's just a guy thing :)

October 27, 2009 at 7:22 PM

I agree with you, Ever After was a cool flick.

October 27, 2009 at 9:54 PM

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