Finished Radigan
Well I just finished up another L'Amour book called Radigan. Here is the basic storyline. A Rancher by the name of Tom Radigan is working his piece of land up in the mountains of New Mexico. Another outfit is trying to move in on his range and force him out. Seems they have a bogus claim to the land granted by a former Mexican Governor of the territory. Radigan has the legal claim to the land.
The Key players in this book are Tom Radigan, John Child, Gretchen Child (adopted daughter of John Child), Angelina Foley, Harvey Thorpe, and Ross Wall.
The story mainly works around Radigan and Foley. Very typical L'Amour stuff. I enjoy the way he is able to make you actually see the country he is writing about. I could almost feel the cold when he was describing some of the storms they encountered.
The only thing I didn't really like about the story was that it felt sorta rushed at times. Like he wasn't as worried about all the juicy stuff in the middle of the plot like in many of his books. It seemed like it was more important for him to get to the end of this one instead of letting us get to know, and enjoy the characters as they are brought to life.
If you want a book that is a fairly easy read, with all the shoot em up rough and tumble drag out fighting that is classic L'Amour, then this will be a good one for you. But just a word of warning, if you are looking for a Tucker or Milo Talon out of this book, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. In Radigan is definitely a character that I wish L'Amour would have done a little bit more with.