Chicks dig Scars
When I was 12, I ran through a sliding glass door at a birthday party...It basically split my face wide open and required 104 stitches...Yeah not my brightest moment...
I also learned a valuable lesson....At 12 girls are shallow...They are in it for the looks...There was a girl that had a crush on me before this happened. After I couldn't even get her to talk to me...(That's right I still remember you Laurie).
Fortunately for me, that allowed me to work on my personality a little bit. I will say that other than ruining my 6th grade camp and causing my friend's mom and my parents some grief the whole experience was not terrible.. Yeah there was some pain and a little discomfort but all in all it was a pretty good learning experience. It taught me not to judge people for their words but by their actions. My real friends continued to be my real friends.
The next year I met a whole new group of people. It was 7th grade and we moved from elementary school to junior high. A very unsettling experience, but I figured if I could split my face wide open and get past it, what else could be worse. Turns out that some of the girls in 7th grade thought that big ol' nasty scar in the middle of my face was really cool and wanted to know over and over how it happened. I was more than happy to tell the story, and I'm sure that I might have added a bit here and there.
Well 7th grade was looking pretty good at this point and then......I got the flu. No big deal everybody gets the flu right? Well I couldn't get over this flu. My fever kept getting worse, and I was having these terrible headaches, and I couldn't bend my head down. Convulsions and I woke up in the hospital overhearing the doctors telling my parents that it didn't look good. Now that is something to make you wonder on. Not quite 13 years old and I'm overhearing that I might die. Well HAH! I didn't...It was a 6 month recovery and I was out the rest of the school year. But the next year I was back and playing football and all sorts of other activities that I had enjoyed before. I had to learn how to walk again, so I figured heck if I can beat that I can beat anything.
Well it turns out that a friend of mine spread the story that my scar had split open and I had lost soooo much blood that I was in the hospital receiving transfusions and they didn't know if I would make it. I got a ton of phone calls that summer and eventually I had to come clean, but they sure did like that scar.
I am older and sometimes wiser now. I have added a few other scars to my collection over the years. I had a torn distal tendon in my arm that they reattached, I almost cut off a couple fingers, and they even managed to cut open my knee ONCE (never again). I don't have the scar on my face any longer, it went away years ago. I have the others and they are great conversation pieces.
Through everything I have had happen in my life, the one constant I have witnessed is this, Chicks dig Scars...They wanna know how you got em, if you saved a baby from a burning building, were you in a knife fight? Did you shoot it out in the military? I have been known to maybe stretch the boundaries of truth on occassion (artistic license and all).
I must say that running through that sliding glass door and getting all those stitches is one of the luckiest things to ever happen to me. It taught me to look at people for what they do, not what they say. I believe whole heartedly that you should never judge a book by it's cover. Stiches healed up the scar went away, but the lesson remained with me all this time...
Plus Chicks really dig scars!!!