Resolutions?? Hmmm
Well, it's that time of year where everybody (maybe not everybody) has made their New Years resolution. A bunch of us make promises to lose weight, get to work on time, stop drinking, stop smoking, hell the list goes on and on.
I too have done this so often that it hurts. I decided this year that I was going to take a bit of a different approach to the whole resolution thing. I read a post by dayne at Coach your mind. He asked what our IT was. I knew that my IT was procrastination. I realized that I do that entirely too much.
I printed out that post and taped it to my desk. That has become my New Years Resolution. Here's my reasoning. If I can stop procrastinating, then all of those crappy resolutions I've made in the past will definitely come true. I will indeed change my eating habits and I will definitely start exercising regularly. My sleep habits will improve and I'll definitely not be cussing in front of my kids.
It all comes down to following through with what we want to do. As a procrastinator I find that I don't follow through with my plans, regardless of the intentions. I know that often times they are the right thing at the wrong time, but that really isn't the point is it. If there was a right time for it, I would have done IT a long long time ago. I think the right time is NOW. So procrastination be gone. I'm tired of letting myself down and this is my first step towards fixing that.
Anybody else out there have the procrastination bug following them around? Isn't he an irritating little bugger (notice I called it a He).